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When do you need a lawful development certificate?


Permitted development rights allow homeowners to extend their property without the the need for planning permission.

Many factors need to be met for permitted development to apply such as:

  • The proposed footprint of the extension must be below a certain threshold


  • The proposed height of the extension must not be over a certain limit


  • Potential over development. (The extension must not take up too much of the total site area)


  • The extension must not be directly adjacent to a highway


  • If the building has previously been extended this may invalidate a PDR application.


  • Plus many more!


Before constructing your extension under permitted development you may decide to check if your proposals comply by applying for a lawful development certificate.

Once obtained this is a legal document supplied to you by the local authority to confirm that your proposals fall under Permitted Development.


Why obtain a Lawful development certificate?


It is not compulsory to obtain a LDC, however there are many reasons why many homeowners expanding their property decide to apply for one, such as:


For peace of mind that the extension complies.

Fines can be implimented for work has not been permitted & in the worse case scenario it can mean that the extension needs demolishing if it doesn't comply with permitted development rights and retrospective planning cannot be obtained.

A Lawful development certifcate nullifies this risk.

To attract buyers

Many buyers will be put off purchasing the property if there is no proof the construction has been carried out within the legal requirements.


Permitted development rules changing

In the future permitted development rules may change and the extension may no longer fall under the constraints of the updated laws.

A LDC will log when the extension was built and that it falls under the particular permitted development rights at the time it was constructed.


Whats required?


The process is very similar to applying for planning. Concept 20 will need to survey the property and then produce:

  • Existing and proposed floor plans


  • Existing & proposed elevations


  • Existing & proposed site layout


  • A location plan


This will be submitted along with the appropriate application form and fee.


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